The study examined the costs and returns analysis of pepper (Capsicum species) production in Kuje Area Council, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. The specific objectives were: determine the socio-economic characteristics of pepper farmers, analyze the costs and returns of pepper production, evaluate the factors influencing output of pepper production, and identify the constraints faced by pepper farmers in the study area. Primary data were collected from pepper producers through the use of well-structured questionnaires. The data were analyzed using, descriptive statistics, Gross margin analysis, Financial analysis, and multiple regression model. The results from the study show that the mean age of the farmers was 43.61 years. Majority of the pepper farmers were male and married. The average family size was 7 people, the gross margin was calculated to be 137,556.51Naira. The Net farm income was calculated to be 103,141.46 Naira. The rate of return on investment was 54. The operating ratio is 53. From the multiple regression results, Coefficients of Multiple Determinations (R2) was 0.6075. This implies that 60.75% of variations of dependent variable were explained by explanatory variables included in the model. The F-statistics of 14.90 was significant at a 1% probability level. Farm size, the quantity of seeds, and herbicides were the significant variables influencing the output of pepper in the study area. The study recommends that funds should be made available to farmers either in the form of loans or grants to encourage production. Measures should be put in place to address the challenge of inadequate rainfall through the provision of irrigation facilities. Farm inputs such as fertilizer, seeds, and herbicides should be made available to farmers on time to boost production. Also, measures should be put in place to address the challenge of insecurity both in the lives of farmers and their produce.